Michael is singing a terribly off-key rendition of Brahm’s lullaby Camera Movement: traveling forward
Michael is singing a terribly off-key rendition of Brahm’s lullaby
Catie enters the room and goes beside Michael.
Catie hands an hearing aid at Michael. Dialogue: "Please , .... awfull abilities"
Catie hands an hearing aid at Michael. Dialogue: "Please , .... awfull abilities"
Catie hands an hearing aid at Michael. Dialogue: "Are you sure...." to " I am coming as soon as,..." They kiss and Catie leaves
Catie leaves the room. She let the door opens. Dialogue: " Good luck with that"
She walks in the corridor, it's an old house, the corridor is dark. She leans over and pick a book in an open carton scattered between the corridor and their room.
She enters the room, lays down and tries to read. Camera movement: smooth movement forward
She tries to read. She gives up, switches the light off Camera movement: smooth movement forward
Dark, baby crying. 4.00am at the alarm clock
Catie reaches the light and turns it on. She sits up on the bed, looks to her side. It’s empty. She listens for a few seconds, to see what is going on. Baby is still crying