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Raamatuvarga Jutustaja Vaatepunkt

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Raamatuvarga Jutustaja Vaatepunkt
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Storyboard Descrizione

Autori jutustaja valiku ja vaatenurga või perspektiivi analüüsimine annab lugejale sügavama arusaamise loost, tegelastest, nende eelarvamustest ja motivatsioonist. Raamatu "Raamatuvaras" autor Markus Zusak tegi ebatavalise valiku kasutada jutustajana surma. See võimaldas tal kirjeldada Liesel Memingeri elu, aga ka õudusi

Testo Storyboard

  • Death is overworked and tired. He describes the horror of war in WWI and WWII. His perspective gives us a greater understanding of the time and the magnitude of suffering beyond what Liesel experiences.
  • As an omniscient narrator, Death is also able to intimately describe the characters' thoughts and emotions, like Liesel's trauma of losing her brother.
  • Death: Narrates the story in the first person describing his experiences using "I, me, my". Death also describes the life of Liesel Meminger and others. Because he is "Death" he can explain the surrounding events the characters are unaware of.
  • EVIDENCE FROM THE TEXT: "I witness the ones that are left behind, crumbled among the jigsaw puzzles of realization, despair, and surprise. They have punctured hearts. They have beaten lungs."
  • EVIDENCE FROM THE TEXT: "Still in disbelief, she started to dig. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't."
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