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Rapa Nui

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Rapa Nui
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  • This is Easter Island, or Rapanui. It is located on the Northern corner of the Polynesian triangle. Rapanui is currently uninhabited.
  • Explorers from the center of the triangle voyaged out into the sea amd landed on the island (although no one knows why).
  • There were caves and mines on Rapanui which had substances that were used to make makeup, paint and to carve stone statues called Moai.
  • Let me explain. The now natives of Rapanui believed in forefathers and spirits that can gift their strength to the living in their hour of need. The head statues were created when a great leader died to preserve their spirit. Kind of like a pyramid for Egyptians.
  • This feat is incredible because the natives had no advanced technology, but with recent discoveries, its even more incredible because the heads have bodies underground. It is still a mystery how the natives could possibly have transported the statues.
  • The Rapanui people had a very complex hierarchy. Tattoos represented status, permissions from others and awards of strength.
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