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Daniel was a vice-regent who helped the king. He was thewisest and most caring and itmade theothers jealous.

Well done Daniel, you are always so wise.

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. It's always Daniel!

No matter what we do he is always the Kings favourite. What more can we do?

The only thing we have left is his religion. Let's use that to get rid of him!

The other Vice-Regents tried to make Daniel look bad and stop him being King Darius' favourite.

Kliknite Uredi

We think you should pass a decree to stop people praying.

That sounds fair.

Oh no, God. What shall I do?

The Vice-Regents told the King that he shouldn't let anybody pray to anyone else but to the King for 30 days. The King agreed.

Daniel continued to pray to God three times a day because he knew it was more important than any law man could make. But King Darius found out...

Lord God. I will keep praying to you and know you will protect me.

King Darius didn't want to punish Daniel but the Vice-Regents reminded him that it was against the law and he had to do it.

Daniel was taken and thrown into the Lions Den as punishment. King Darius was incredibly upset that he had, had to punish Daniel.

Let's see your God save you now!


Ha! Ha! Ha!


Oh Daniel, what have you done. I can't do anything to save you.

You have no choice our King. The rules are very clear!

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