The toddler Chloe is sitting on the floor crying because she is hungry. Mom tries to comfort Chloe and shows her the proper way to express her feelings
Oh baby come here! Why are you crying
You want a banana?
Are you hungry?
I I I hungy mommy
I want nana
Mom teaches Chloe the proper way to say banana.
Can you say Banana?
Oh! Nana
Mom prepares Chloe for bath time and sleep
It's tubby time
Chloe are you ready to take a bath
Mom enjoys reading books to Chloe every night before bed. She knows this will help improve Chloe's literacy as she gets older.
And the baby was sound asleep
Mom teaches Chloe the correct pronunciation and how to spell school.
I'm going to cool?
Chloe it's time to get up. Don't want to be late for your first day of school.
No not cool, it's school. S-C-H-O-O-L
Mom ensures that Chloe is able to say the correct pronunciation of her name and how to spell it correctly
My name is Choey and it's C-H-L-O-E
Yes mom, I'm ready.
Good Job, but it's pronounced CHL-OE
Are you ready so I can drive you to school?
What is your name and how do you spell it ?
Mom sends Chloe off to school and reminds her that she is a big girl and to be on her best behavior.
I can't believe you are all grown-up. Behave and do your best
I'm a big girl mommy
Mrs. Barge have the class to introduce and the correct way to spell their name.
I'm Chloe. C-H-L-O-E
I'm Tucker, but I don't know how to spell my name.
Hello Class, I'm Mrs. Barge. B-A-R-G-E
I'm Ali. A-L-I
Chloe and Ali helps their classmate Tucker spell his name, so he doesn't feel sad. Chloe remembers her mom telling her to sound out the word, then spell it.
Why is Tucker crying? Babies Cry
It's ok Tucker. I can help you like my mommy helped me
But I don't know how to spell my name.
Ali is going to use her problem solving skills to solve the problem on the board.
Both Tucker and Chloe know how to play basketball, and Ali doesn't. But both children are willing to help their classmate
It's this orange round ball that I have in my hand. Chloe and I can teach you how to play
Hey Ali Chloe, would ya'll like to play basketball with me
What is a basketball?
Chloe tells her mom about her exciting day at school and the friends she made.
Hey mommy guess what ? I like my teacher. She is so pretty. Her class is fun. I made friends. Tucker and Ali are my friends. I like school. I even learned how to do math and we played basketball
I'm so happy you made friends and was able to learn
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