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English book project
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Testo Storyboard

  • Oh my gosh! Mama, is that you?
  • Daisy! It's so good to see you!How are you? What have you been up to?
  • I've been pretty good! After a... friend of mine died, Tom and I decided to take a trip and now we're here. Oh and I've also had a sweet baby girl. When she was born, I said, "I hope she'll be a fool- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool" (16), because nowadays all a girl can do is just sit and look pretty.
  • Oh Daisy, sweetie... don't say that! Women are capable of incredible things. You don't need a man to dictate your life for you. “Men will want to take power from you- that's who they are- but don't allow it- that’s who you are” (168). You can't allow men you convince you that you are worthless!
  • Mama, I say these things about my daughter because that's the way I feel about myself. Tom always treats me like I can't do anything myself.
  • Alright, I will! Thank you Mama!
  • If you allow him to think that you agree with him, you will always be thought of as less than, and I really don't want that for you. So please, next time stick up for yourself and tell him your opinions!
  • What's that supposed to mean?
  • You're very welcome! I have one last thing to say before you leave. Remember that "Once you wake up a thought in a man, you can never put it to sleep" (Hurston)
  • I'll give you an example. If Tom is degrading you saying "because you're a woman, you can't do this" and you agree with him, he'll think he is right.
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