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Roman Empire Trade and World Impact

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Roman Empire Trade and World Impact
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  • The Roman Republic was founded in 510 BC.The Government was set by 3 types of branches.Their senate was wealthy and had the most power and it advised city leaders.The tribunes were elected by plebeians and could veto.Their was 2 councils one was a plebeian and the other one was a patrician.The plebeians were the common people of Ancient Rome and the patricians were the rich and wealthy people of Ancient Rome.
  • Ancient Rome had many great achievements like the colosseum which was a famous Roman structure that was made of columns and arches and the Romans used this for gladiator fights.Some Roman achievements are roads which linked all the city states and they made easier to trade and to defend the city-states.
  • Some other Roman achievements are Aqueducts which brought fresh water into the cities and they also removed waste into the sewers.Rome also has created the arch and the dome.Not only that but Rome has also created realism in sculptures which is sculptures that are real-like and have wrinkles and things that people would have in real life.All of these achievements were possible due to the Pax Romana.
  • Hello,I am JUlius Caesar and I wanted to be dictator for life but it didn't quite work because I got assassinated.
  • Hi their I am Augustus Caesar and Im Julius Caesar's son.Rome did have a time where it grew wealthy.We call this the rise of Rome.In the Rise of Rome,Rome took over the Alps,Mediterranean Sea,and the Italian Peninsula.In this time Rome also fights with Carthage for control of trade and in this time JUlius Caesar was a popular general.In this time Rome also takes over trade in the Mediterranean.But then Julius Caesar is assassinated and Octavian is named Emperor and the Republic ends.
  • After the Rise of Rome came the Fall of Rome.The Fall of Rome is when Rome had higher taxes,it was to costful to control a huge empire,and when many people migrated into the city causing overcrowding.Also in the Fall of Rome the Roman Empire splits into two and Rome is the Capital of the West and Constantinople is the capital of the East. Also in the Fall of Rome their was corrupted citizens and their was declined in traditional values which mean that Rome was doing bad actions.Also some threats the Rome had on The Fall of Rome is Germanic Barbarian invasion,Vandals,Angels/Saxons,Huns,and Visigoths.
  • Some of the Byzantine achievements are Mosaics,which are pictures made of tiny bits of color glass or stone,architecture like the Hagia Sophia,and trade,they traded spices,gems,slaves and fur.
  • As you can see that is the foundation of Rome to the fall of Rome and also some Byzantine achievements.
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