This app help you quickly select their best options and checkout easily.
Seems Confusing
How can I you this app ?
Dad it's very easy. Application basically updated by each company. When you visit the pizza company website, it will takes you to the Popup Menu app.
No Dad, I will show you.
Yeah, you're right. I can see the quick 5 best options of the Dominos here.
See, I go to the Dominos website and it's asking me for quick checkout. When I clicked it, it will take me to Popup Menu app
Just go with the 3rd option, Cheese Pizza with a can of pop
Okay !
Oh, great. It will directly take me to the checkout. It's so fast and convenient.
This app saves a lot of time of customer to run through the website and reach to checkout option.
Yes Dad, This app makes the checkout so quick and easy.
Thanks son, now I will always use this app.
That's why, I told you to download this app, because most of the companies uses this app and when you hit the quick checkout, you must have this app in your phone.