Have you thought about what you said yesterday about renewable energy sources.
Welcome Back Middleton High Students
Yes and I agree with what I said. I think that nonrenewable energy resources are more efficient and I don't like renewable energy. Lets talk about this after school at my house
Thanks for inviting me to your house. Hey I wanted to talk to you. You do know that both of our energies are efficient. I don't want to fight about this anymore.
Hey let's tell our teacher about this! Lets meet up and tell her together.
Thanks Natasha. I'm so sorry about what I said about renewable energy. I was doing some research and renewable energy is so cool! And we never run out!
(Whispers) Hey you remember the plan right? we speak TOGETHER. You can't speak before me.
I know I know. You present an entire group project once. We tell her about the two energies and then ask if we can present a slideshow. And why are you being so quiet. Its not like someone is going to steal our idea
Hey remember the plan.
I know
Remember the plan
I KNOW!!!!!
Thank you for speaking with us. We would like to give a presentation to the class about...
I love the idea girls but like nonrenewable better and I don't like renewable.