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Example of Physical Bullying

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatEXAMPLE1EXAMPLE2EXAMPLE3PHYSICALBULLYINGPhysicalbullyingincludespersontopersoncontact.Examplesofthisincludeshoving,tripping,kicking,andhitting.Sometimesthiscanbedifficulttodistinguishfromroughplay,butifitisatinappropriatetimesorifnoteveryoneinvolvediscomfortable,itmaybebullying.Youwillstayinthatlocker'tilIgetyourlunchmoney!Ms.C,pleasehelpme!EverydayatrecessJohnnytripsme.PLEASE!Vince,Idon'tlikeitwhenyoupunchmeinthearm.ITHURTS!
Example of Physical Bullying
Storyboard That

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È possibile trovare questo storyboard nei seguenti articoli e risorse:
Consapevolezza sul Bullismo Scolastico

Bullismo Scolastico

By Rebecca Ray

Qui a Storyboard That, abbiamo scoperto che utilizzando gli storyboard per creare scenari di gioco di ruolo, gli studenti possono vedere meglio gli effetti e le caratteristiche del bullismo. Attraverso lezioni interattive, puoi aiutare a cambiare la mentalità degli studenti da "il bullismo è un problema" a "il bullismo è un problema e io posso fare qualcosa al riguardo".


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Storyboard Descrizione

Types of Bullying: Physical Bullying Example | Help students identify the different types of bullying with storyboard examples

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  • Physical bullying includes person to person contact. Examples of this include shoving, tripping, kicking, and hitting. Sometimes this can be difficult to distinguish from rough play, but if it is at inappropriate times or if not everyone involved is comfortable, it may be bullying.
  • You will stay in that locker 'til I get your lunch money!
  • PLEASE! Vince, I don't like it when you punch me in the arm. IT HURTS!
  • Ms. C, please help me! Every day at recess Johnny trips me.
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