The Acadian Expulsion was initiated by the British to remove French farmers from Acadia (Nova Scotia), because they were worried about the loyalty of the French. The British deported the Acadians to New Orleans. This contributed to tension between the British and the French.
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War broke out in Europe between the British and French, which spread over to colonies in North America. The French moved down the Hudson River, but The French fortress, Louisburg, was captured in two months by the British. The French attacked New York by land in The Battle of Ohio Valley.The British then planned to capture Quebec City, by advancing up the St. Lawrence River. They had to act quicky, because the St. Lawrence freezes in early November.
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Finally, led by General James Wolfe, The British attacked Quebec in The Battle of the Plains of Abraham. They defeated General Montcalme and the French, so many British Soldiers went back to Europe. The 7 Years War was ended by The Treaty of Paris, in which France was given Guadeloupe back. The only land left in North America belonging to the French was St. Pierre and Miquelon.
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The British won the 7 Years War, but allowed Roman Cathlic Faith to continue, as well as seigneurial farms, in what used to be New France. As most of the British soldiers returned to Europe after the 7 Years War, they were concerned again by the ratio of French to Bitish citizens in New France.
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The Royal Proclamation of 1763 aimed to control the French by stopping European settlers from going west of The Appalachin Mountains, therefore forcing them to go north to New France. The land across the mountains was reserved for Indigenous people. Quebec became a British Colony. People were allowed to continue to speak French, but Roman Catholics could not be in government or legal positions.
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The Royal Proclamation of 1763 aimed to control the French by stopping European settlers from going west of The Appalachin Mountains, therefore forcing them to go north to New France. The land across the mountains was reserved for Indigenous people. Quebec becomes a Bitish Colony. People were allowed to continue to speak French,