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Mysteries of the Octopus

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Mysteries of the Octopus
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  • hey, can you tell me a fact about an Octopus?
  • Sure! According to Mysteries of the Octopus the muscular suckers on an octopus help an octopus grab and grip objects, and every arm has 200-300 suckers!
  • Wow that's cool, can you tell me more?
  • Okay, According to Mysteries of the Octopus, their hard beak drills into shells of prey like clams to paralyze them. 8 strong arms help the octopus open their shells.
  • That's awesome! Can you tell me about the brain?
  • Yup, According to Mysteries of the Octopus, the central brain contains one-third of an octopus's neurons or nerve cells.That's far less than most intelligent animals.
  • That's cool! Anymore more facts?
  • Yeah, According to Mysteries of the Octopus, Their are nerve cords in each arm that connect to the central brain.They contain most of an octopus's neurons and can make decisions on their own!
  • What about their skin?
  • According to Mysteries of the Octopus, Special skin cells can expand and contract, allowing an octopus to quickly change color.
  • Awesome, but i really want to know about their funnel, any facts on that?!
  • Yeah, According to Mysteries of the Octopus, A funnel pushes water to propel an octopus foward.
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