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Static Electricity Comic Strip

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Static Electricity Comic Strip
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  • Hey Jordon something weird happened today.
  • Hey Courtney, What happened? I'm all ears
  • So this morning I got out of bed and walked across my carpet as I reached to turn the door nob I felt a zap.
  • Oh that is called STATIC ELECTRICTY
  • What is Static Electricity
  • Static Electricity is when electrons are not moving along a path or not flowing.(current electricity)
  • So this morning when you walked across the carpet electrons from your body rubbed off unto it, while the carpet insulating wool will resist losing its own electrons.
  • Although your body and the rug together are still electrically neutral, there is now a charge polarization between the two. And when you reach to touch the door nob ZAP!
  • So the metal door knob's loosely bound electrons hop to my hand to replace the electrons my body has lost?
  • Yes! you're absolutely correct. 
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