SCIENCE 101 REPORTING We can create fire without using Lighters, Matches and different tools, we all needs are elements!
are you trying to burn this school down? This is not a good idea
I do can't risk my pink jacket duh.....
Oh no! you misunderstood me, our reporting today is all about Periodic Table of Elements, we are discovering elements that can produce fire! not making Fire!
What are you talking about?
Elements can be Creative, not so hard though.
We encounter these elements everyday and we don't even know about it, Flourine in Plastics and Glass, Iodine in Chemicals and food, Rhenium in ovens, Uranium as fuels, Sulfur in soaps and Nitrogen in acids and fuels
IIODINE 126.904
UUranium 328.029
sSulfur 32.066
IIODINE 126.904
NNitrogen 14.007
ReRhenium 186.207
i didn't know about that..........
SCIENCE 101 REPORTING We can create fire without using Lighters, Matches and different tools, we all needs are elements!
I didn't know that Periodic table of elements can be so easy, It feels like I have been so hard when it so easy!
These elements CAN ALSO produce fire, they are not harmful if handled properly.
I am using sulfur soap for my acne and Iodine on my Iodized salt, that's amazing!
Do you think we can be group mates again, on another activity?
I want her as a leader, Elements are so easy to deal with!
Sure! I'll give another trivia on Periodic elements!