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The Odyssey scene summary

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The Odyssey scene summary
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The Cyclopes scene.

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  • Odysseus and his men arrive at The Cyclopes Island (Sicily).
  • Odysseus and twelve of his men enter Polyphemus's cave.
  • Odysseus and twelve of his men ate some cheese while waiting for Polyphemus in Polyphemus's cave.
  • "We beached there, and I told the crew to stand by and keep watch over the ship..." (Homer 95).
  • Polyphemus walks into the cave, blocks the exit with a stone, and traps Odysseus and his men.
  • "...as for myself I took my twelve best fighters and went ahead" (Homer 95). "We climbed, then, briskly to the cave" (Homer 115).
  • To escape the cave, Odysseus tricks Polyphemus by saying that his name is Nohbdy. Later, while Polyphemus is sleeping after getting drunk from Odysseus's wine, Odysseus and his men stab Polyphemus's eye and Polyphemus helplessly calls out that "Nohbdy" had hurt him.
  • "...and took some cheese to eat; then sat in silence around the embers, waiting" (Homer 135).
  • As the blind Cyclops tries to grab Odysseus and his men, they use his sheep to escape by hiding between them. However, not all of Odysseus's men escape. Some were left to be eaten by Polyphemus. Odysseus and his surviving men head to their ship and set sail.
  • "When he came... swung high overhead a slab of solid rock to close the cave" (Homer 135).
  • "...rammed it deep in his crater eye, and I leaned on it turning it as a shipwright turns a drill..." (Homer 290). "Nohbdy, Nohbdy's tricked me, Nohbdy's ruined me" (Homer 315).
  • "They all pitched in at loading, then embarked and struck their oars into the sea" (Homer 385).
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