I can travel around the world and can explore thiongs, hurray!!
Every we see is due to the government rules and, around the world we can explore new things and travel routes knowing
Diapositiva: 2
Sure mom, but at this stage i cant understand what's really the world is undergoing. but now i can know it!!!
Watching News will becone one of the greatest quaklity of your character, my dear boy.(Oh my giod the online ap was really helpful! now i can make my child's future bright)
Diapositiva: 3
to ovewrcome bore well, we can also spend oru physical timeings with animals, they will make our mind relaxed and stressfree!!!
Wow!! thats really freat mom,these animals look poor, can i feed them some food!?
Diapositiva: 4
the other way of getting out of bore wll can bespending some quality time at thes peacefull places at times
Wow..they look so adorable!sure mom i can see the the real life of the aquatic mamals
Diapositiva: 5
Lets...Do some more communication to explore and have a good people connect!!!!!!! and to recover overselves from boredom
Diapositiva: 6
Children are the future rockstars, let's groom them using breakable bore well