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History Comic about Meat

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History Comic about Meat
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  • 💩+🍗
  • we should not care about the poor people's health. lets just make them pay for the poisoned and rotten meat
  • 😵☠️💰
  • *whispering* This is so wrong. i will change this by showing the public the real stuff they do here, in a book
  • Dont waste your time we get money no matter what so just keep shoveling
  • It seems that this is rotten should we do something about it sir.
  • (Same person who saw what happened in the last pannel)
  • This is perfect i could actually change the world with this
  • The Jungle
  • (teddy rosovelt)
  • This is really interesting and is going to ruin my country if i dont fix this i will sign laws to change this and make our meat rat free and poop free
  • The jungle
  • NO more disgusting meat act
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