Eva had refreshed her self and was ready to go to her friends house so she asked her mother about it and she said yes and said that be careful for the strangers around, Eva said ok and went.
Diapositiva: 2
hooooo, its turning dark and its about to rani I must rush to my friends house.
look at that girl she looks soooo pretty. would love to kidnapp her and kill her
when she almost reached her friends house, she stopped and started looking at the weather it was dark and was about to rain, and behind her friends house was a man looking at her strangliy.
Diapositiva: 3
ok, I will be your friend, lets got your house and have a party
Will you be my friend? we will go to my home and have a party!
ok lets go.
Hahahahaha, she got stuck in my trap so easily.
So the stranger approached at her in a costume as a smart boy trying make her as her friend and so with that trap, Eva gets trapped
Diapositiva: 4
now come home time to have a party!
nooooooo, I will save you friend
When Eva got stuck in his trap and they her going she went unconscious, she went unconscious because the man had already taken out the small towel we the unconscious medicine in it and made her smell that , but behind was Eva's friend seeing and was going to help her friend.