The Sky sprit's daughter didn't hear her fathers warning and poked her head into the mountain before she could see anything, the wind spirit pulls her out of the mountain and landed among the scrubby fir trees at the edge of the timber and snow line, her long red hair trailing over the snow.
Diapositiva: 3
There was a group of grizzles who found the girl and took take of her. She ate with them, played together, and grew up together. For most of her life, she lived in a lodge with the Grizzle
Diapositiva: 4
This sense is about how overtime the grizzly bears became her family and took care of her. As the years went by she eventually married and formed a fmaily with the eldest bear.
Diapositiva: 5
The father was glad to find his daughter and so he came down from the mountain slide in giant strides. When he found his daughter and the grizzly were together he was angry
Diapositiva: 6
This is the part were the father finally reconect again with his daughter and meet his grandchildren after all the years. Yet he was very angry and casted a cure for the bears to never walk again on two legs .