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Intros to D&A Part 1

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Intros to D&A Part 1
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  • It's that time of year again where we agree how much it costs to do things we don't understand...
  • Let's try and crack the understanding D&A thing once and for all.I'll book us into CAMP D&A...
  • Lesson 1 : What do D&A Actually do & How do they do itLesson 2: How does D&A need to change to meet DWPs needsLesson 3: How will they achieve that change?
  • Hmmm, 4 and a half minutes? It's taken me years so far. This will be interesting!
  • Welcome to CAMP D&A. We've got 3 lessons for you. They take 90 seconds each.
  • OK, so what do we do? Well let's start with the parts of our world that you guys see. We have 5 services lines:- Data Services-Official Statistics-Management Information -Advanced Analytics-Direct Access
  • Can you just say a little more about each?
  • Lesson 1 WHAT D&A DO
  • D&A
  • Sure, let's start with Data Services.We package data up into products that meet your needs. It could be a processed file of data, or controlled access to our data. Political Elections, and checking NHS Prescriptions both rely on D&A data services.
  • FILE
  • API
  • I get that. So D&A take the data in, mash it up into a format the user wants it, and then give them access to go on to do something useful with it. Do D&A Produce outputs themselves?
  • Sure do. Firstly, let's look at how we present data internally. That's our second service, Management Reporting. Let's go and visit them...
  • Hmmm, I guess it's cheaper than having lots of different licenses and systems. And there's less ways of doing things for users of MI to be learning. A better User Experience at lest cost?
  • A couple of years back, some bright spark realised that having a common platform for all Management Information would be a big help. Any ideas why? 
  • ...and I was thinking that having the MI 'under one roof' would offer flexibility and ease of combining data across areas of interest?!
  • Both right!!!We give it the brand name Enterprise Reporting Service.There are 15 or so different products within ERS at the moment, and several 1000 users. It's growing all the time.Supporting Service Excellence and Way to Work are two of the hot topics in ERS at the moment. We see it evolving to support all the MI needs of DWP as it modernises the archticture. But let's save that for lesson 3.
  • That's the internal products, but don't D&A do lots of external publication work too?
  • We surely do.We have a team of 85 or so statistics professionals in D&A. They produce over 80 National and Official Stats Products.These have strict quality and release protocols, allowing DWP performance to be held to account and debated publically.
  • They also answer LOADS of Parliamentary Questions - when MPs ask questions about DWP. Citizens sometimes ask Freedom of Information Requests, and they deal with a lot of those too.
  • We produce some outputs on Fraud and Error that take A LOT of effort to produce.We have a field force of 120 or so experts in benefits. They visit a sample of customers to do detailed reviews of their benefits. From this, we can estimate the total amount of Fraud and Error in the DWP machinery.This is essential for National Audit Office, but also helps DWP learn and improve too.This team is called Performance Measurement. They've generally got YEARS of experience of the ins and outs of the benefit regime. Handy in a pub quiz that lot...
  • Sure. We're constantly tinkering at our rules engine. We pour data through it to maximise insight and learning. Fraud and Error is central to what we do. The closer we get to spotting these things at the time they happen, the more we'll help reduce the costs. We're also working hard on joining up data across all the interactions citizens have with DWP so we can present analytics about common journeys and how they could be improved from a citizen point of view.
  • We're just having a look round D&A Charlie. you tell us about what goes on in the world of Advanced Analytics.
  • Not for a while. Last time I saw him he was rattling on about Telemetry to some poor fella sat next to him in the canteen.Might be worth trying the server room.
  • Thanks Charlie. Have you seen Andrew? He was going to tell us all about our final service, Direct Access.
  • Here you are. What you up to?
  • Trying to tidy up this warehouse. People have been storing stuff in here for 20 years. It's got loads of stuff in it, and we've got hundreds of regulars who rely on us getting then access to what they want.Come with me, I'll show you
  • Look at them...100's of DWP analysts. All addicted that wonderful drug....DATA.We're their supplier. We sound them out on what they're doing, and sort out the supply chain.We keep our tabs on them to ensure they stay kosher mind.
  • R
  • O
  • V
  • R
  • E
  • T
  • So, thats a quick tour of the services our customers see. But to know how D&A works, you've got to look at the underlying support functions too. Let's look at two areas.
  • Lesson 1 WHAT D&A DO
  • Lesson 1 WHAT D&A DO
  • Firstly, services need platforms to run on.We have four main ones, (please don't ask why as that's a history lesson in itself!)- The Data Warehouse - Data Services Platform.-Audit Data as a Service- Data Works. We have teams who keep them ticking, and teams that manage controlled access and security of the DWP data estate.
  • And D&A is complex. We have around 600 DWP staff and 400 other people working on our portfolio. Our Business Management & Portfolio Division manage the flow of work in, through and out of D&A, as well as looking after comms, commercials, finances and loads of people aspects of a large and complex directorate.
  • Lesson 1 WHAT D&A DO
  • Yeah, is it all Data Practice types who work in D&A
  • Fab, any chance of a quick summary of lesson 1?
  • Not at all. Roughly half of us are Data Professionals, but it takes a mix of Project people, delivery people, Business Analysts,..all sorts to make D&A tick!
  • Lesson 1 WHAT D&A DO
  • Any Questions?
  • 1. Data Services
  • Sure. Main thing is to remember our set of outward services, that are supported by data capture and platform work and several enabling functions that make D&A Tick. 
  • Of course, D&A is part of a much wider DWP Data an Digital Community, But more of that later. Let's draw stumps there on Lesson 1.
  • 2. Management Reporting.
  • 3. Official Statistics
  • 4, Advanced Analytics
  • 5. Direct Access
  • Welcome back! Now you know a little bit about our services, let's talk about some of the main things we need to change in D&A. Before we do, let's think about why we need to change at all. Come on over to the whiteboard.
  • Lesson 2How D&A Needs to Change.
  • 1. To keep our data safe, without passing black boxes and technical debt on to our successors.2. To service a DWP that wants to consume more data, more quickly, and more flexibly than ever before.3. DWP is evolving; we used to provide data about services.Now we're providing data into services.
  • In short, DWP is modernising its services, and will want to consume and re-use our data and products quicker than ever before.Of course, one big challenge is we need to do all this whilst also keeping our current services running.
  • 1. Data Services
  • Before we get going, its worth re-capping on this picture. It shows our main services all supported by data platforms and enabling functions.That's actually how we want to be structured in future. Separating the gather and storage of data from the services people ask for...which constantly evolve.
  • 2. Management Reporting.
  • 3. Official Statistics
  • 4, Advanced Analytics
  • 5. Direct Access
  • 1. Data Services
  • But we're not quite like that yet. Some of our enabling functions are nicely aligned. Our official stats world is quite 'drag and drop'. But...a) Our Management Reporting world also does a fair bit of data capture and platforming.b) Data as a Service do a big mix of data gather, platform and Direct Access.I've drawn on the diagram where those DaaS people currently operate.
  • Bus Man Portfolio Value Steering Office of Chief Data Officer
  • 2. Management Reporting.
  • 3. Official Statistics
  • 4, Advanced Analytics
  • 5. Direct Access
  • 1. Data Services
  • Aligning our People to this new operating model is part of our Target Operating Model work. That's part of our Modernisation strand.We'll 'break things down' into manageable chunks of movement as we build up the new technologies.
  • Bus Man Portfolio Value Steering Office of Chief Data Officer
  • 2. Management Reporting.
  • 3. Official Statistics
  • 4, Advanced Analytics
  • 5. Direct Access
  • Right, let's take a look at our first big area of technical change.D&A has four big platforms at the moment.1. The Data Warehouse is 'on premise'. (Our remediation programme is making it 'safe' on premise).2. The Data Services Platform. This is a more 'modern' platform than The Warehouse, but still suffers from the inflexibility and regular 'upkeep' required.3. Audit Data as A Service. This is also 'on premise' and is where we keep the logs of who has been using what data.4. And finally, DataWorks, which is where all the Universal Credit data is. That recently moved 'to cloud'.
  • DataW'house
  • DSP
  • AdaaS
  • Dataworks
  • We need to move the data that we still need from these platforms in to The Cloud.The Cloud is better value for money in the long run, and it gives us more better opportunities of scaling and flexing when we need to blend data together quickly.We call this programme of work 'Route to Cloud'.
  • DataW'house
  • DSP
  • AdaaS
  • Dataworks
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