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yeh shen

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yeh shen
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  • Woah, he is so cute. I think he can be my friend! I can't wait to hang out, play, and eat together. Even though I want to tell my stepmother, I have a feeling she's going to do something bad to him if I do. It's only me and you bud forever! Sorry for the filthy clothes, my stepmother made me clean once again.
  • I have finally made a friend. Even though I have a stepsister and stepmother, they kind of hate me. Anyway, I have a plan to keep him away from them because something terrible might happen to my fish if my stepmother knows. I think I am just going to keep him out here and feed him. He also needs the water and he might grow really big. Well, I better get back to doing chores before she thinks something is up.
  • No! My best friend is dead. How could this happen? I miss you already. What should I do now? I guess I should just stare at him forever.
  • My fish is dead, but on the bright side the bones still have spirit. I can talk to my fish again! The kind uncle said it is to be used on non wasteful wishes. All I really care about though is to talk to my best friend. I still have many more questions. It is kind of crazy how my fish was the one to have magical powers. I still have to keep this a secret as well because we don't want the same mistake to happen again.
  • Kind uncle who would you be? But my fish...my stepmother? I could have seen this coming, but that's amazing.
  • Ah, poor child. That is not important, my child. All you must know is that I have been sent to tell you of the wondrous powers of your fish. Yes, my child, your fish is no longer alive, and I'm here to tell you your stepmother once more your sorrow. For here I am bringing you a gift. The bones of your fish are filled with a powerful spirit Do not waste your gits.
  • May I have a pretty outfit to wear to the Festival. I long to go, but look at me in these rags.
  • Be sure not to lose your golden shoes.
  •  Today I got to use one of my wishes. I chose to have an elegant outfit for today's festival. I cannot wait I really really wanted to go, but my stepmother didn't want me to go sadly, but I kind of expected it. Maybe she will not think that it is me in the pleasing outfit in existence, so she won't even know that I even left.
  • I am in my charming blue dress and golden surprisingly light shoes. All I have to do is not lose the golden shoes because that is all that my fish bones told me to do.
  • Everything was going great until my step sister saw me. I ran as fast as I could up the hill, but then I lost one of my shoes. I can't find them anywhere. I looked the next day and they were not there. Now my fish won't even talk to me. Also, my dress was gone and I only have one shoe, but those I don't really care about.
  • HmmIs that Yeh-Shen?
  • Can you please put on the shoes for me?
  • Wow, you are gorgeous. 
  • I didn't expect to see you here, but I can.
  • Luckily, late at night I saw that they were asking people to claim the golden shoes. Since it is mine I went late at night. Then all of a sudden the king showed up. I was very surprised. He asked me to put on the golden shoes. I did as told because well he's the king. Now next I was even more surprised than when he showed up. He looked at me up and down. Then he said, "Wow you are gorgeous" my heart sank. He asked me to live at the castle with him and obviously I said yes.
  • Soon after the arrival of the prince, I married him. I am now living the time of my life in the castle. My stepmother and stepsister are not permitted to come here at the castle because of the mistreatment they always gave me. I think I even heard they were crushed by stones till death.
  • This is the best thing the has ever happened to me besides finding my best friend in the pond. 
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