The location of Rome was in Italy on a peninsula sort of shaped likea boot. The end reached to the Mediterranean Sea.
Etruscan Sports
Romulus and Remus is a myth about two boys left on a river for a wolf to find, they took care of them and a farmer found them he took them into care. Once they had grown older it was time for a king in the vilage and Romulus and Remus got into a fight over who should be king and faught to the death.
Greek Architecture
The arch in the picture was from the Etruscan architecture. They had influenced their civilization to buil archs for doorways, that is very helpful because they werent that advanced to build flat doorways.
Greek Artwork
Chariot Racing influenced the Rome civilization by the Etruscans. Chariot racing was when men would race in the chariots pulled by horses againsed one another. This first started by the Etruscans & passed to Rome.
The Greeks influenced Rome with their columns. Their columns were a great help the the Rome civilization because their architecture was more advanced with the help of columns.
THe Greeks not only influenced Rome with their columns but wiht their artwork too. Most of their artwork was influenced by the Greeks with their techniques.