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Chapter 15: Mr Singh getting beaten up :(

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Chapter 15: Mr Singh getting beaten up :(
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  • Got my shipment of ice cream! Time to put it in my truck.
  • GET HIMM!!!!!
  • Wai-WAIT who are yo-you?! HELP!!
  • ouch! what have i done??
  • -But the attackers didn't know, or care, i suspect. They were mad over what had happened and they wanted to take it out on someone they assumed was a Muslim.
  • And thats what happened to Mr Singh.... He was attacked by the two men as they thought he was a Muslim since he wore a turban and a beard.
  • But he's not a Muslim! I've known Mr Singh for many years and received many gifts of free ice cream from him.. he's such a kind man.
  • I know son...
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