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Critical Id Badge

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Critical Id Badge
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Testo Storyboard

  • LIncoln Middle School
  • This is where it all started. Being in school surrounded me with the oppurtunity to figure out who I was. Throughout my 7th grade year, I began questioning who I really was.
  • As a child, I have always been a boy obsessed girl. Some have even said that im the straightest girl they have ever seen. In a heavily heterosexual society, figuring out I was a bisexual woman, was very challenging.
  • Using old videos and images of me in this section
  • After I was publicly outed, I faced many struggles in society. For weeks on end, I could not walk to class without someone calling me a faggot or saying extremely harmful things to me. I felt completely alone.
  • Ever since I have been outed, I have dealt with many stereotypes over the years. Other women across the world have come out and shared their stereotypes they have faced as well. I will give these examples in my final story
  • Unfortunately, Homophobia is still an issue everywhere. Our society has implanted heteronormativity in our heads. Kids growing up are taught that heterosexuality is the norm. Even in some popular music, homophobic slurs and ideas are projected in society.
  • Now after 4 years have passed, I have learned to juggle who I am expected to be vs. who I really am. Society has these molds to describe what perfect is, and I do not fit into that mold. It has never been easy to be different, but I have learned that society can not and will not define who I am.
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