Mr.Cheggs will grow into a frog and be able to live on land, as an adult frog since changes in his body will be devoloped into his full form.
Mr.Cheggs is holding in his urine because his genetic coding from Mr.CHeggs parents is something he inheiritated, so that when winter comes that urine (mixed with a type of sugar) will be put to use.
Mr.Cheggs' cells are absorbing the urine/sugar (antifreeze) since the homeostasis is what is maintaining it all for what Mr.Cheggs need to survive in his conditions in the winter.
After he defrosts he has the stimulus to eat, so he reacts by going to get food, and after his metabolism makes the food he eats into energy Mr.Cheggs needs.
Mr.Cheggs finds the love of his life and decides he wants to fertilize her eggs (reproduce with her) and create more of their species.
hey foo.
Mr.Cheggs is greatful he has evovled from his genetics, which knew to make the ¨anti-freeze¨ formula, overtime that made it successful to Mr.Cheggs.