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Personal Fitness And Wellness

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  • Personal Fitness and Wellness
  • This Health Magazine will include 6 articles titled total wellness, physical wellness and setting goals, assessing health and fitness, selecting physical activities, lifestyle guidelines, and nutrition.
  • Stress eating is very bad because it affects you mental/emotional wellness and persons nutrition. Overeating and under eating could be bad because it could cause lots of side affects. Ways to help avoid this stress eating is by talking your time on eating.
  • In module 1 lesson 5 it states "Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological responses that protect people from things they do not want to deal with or think about." 10 defense mechanisms include Denial, Repression, Projection, Displacement, Rationalization, Regression, Sublimation, Compartmentalization, Intellectualization.
  • Total Wellness
  • Social wellness is important because it will help you interact with others and build strong relationships with family and friends some examples of social wellness are friends who know your name or help with things. In module 1 lesson 2 it shared how to improve social wellness here's one "Being a good friend by spending quality time and listening to the other person.
  • Mental/emotional wellness is about how you fell comfortable around people or how is your emotion when event happens in your life. There's 3 stages of stress there is alarm stage, resistance stage, and exhaustion stress the worst one being exhaustion stress because it lasts a long time.
  • In module 1 lesson 7 it teaches us stress management "To help manage your stress, first identify what is causing your stress and the affects the stress is having on your overall wellness." Lastly be open minded this will help manage your stress.
  • Physical Wellness and Setting Goals
  • Photo from module 2 lesson 3 ---------->
  • Physical wellness is important in keeping our bodies functioning properly.
  • Module 2 talks about "Physical wellness is finding a balance of physical activity, proper nutrition, and mental well-being."
  • Here are some health-related components of physical activity, Body Fat Composition, Flexibility, Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength, and Cardiovascular Endurance.
  • SMART goal is the best format for setting goals that are achievable and motivates you. Module 2 lesson 3 it says "A SMART goal is a goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 
  • Cardiovascular fitness can be defined as your body's ability to get oxygen and blood to the muscles. Cardiovascular fitness. You could find your Maximum Heart Rate by subtracting 220 from your age. There is Low Intensity which uses 40% - 60% of your maximum heart rate, Medium Intensity which uses 70% of your maximum heart rate, and High Intensity which uses 80% to 85% of your maximum heart rate. There are three types of training Aerobic Interval Training, Anaerobic Interval Training, and Circuit Training as stated in Module 3 lesson 1
  • Assessing Health and Fitness
  • It is important to learn your current health like your Circumference Measurements, Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Resting Heart Rate, and Weight Before starting any type of physical fitness plan as said in module 3 lesson 4. Also, know your Current Fitness Level like One Mile Run - VO2 Max, Curl Up or Sit Up Test, Push Up Test, and Sit and Reach. In module 3 lesson 6 it should us what the FITT Principle is and the acronym that stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type.
  • Flexibility is a thing that you're able to move your joints on its full range of motion. In module 3 lesson 3 it tells us the reasons flexibility training is included in physical fitness which are Correction of muscle imbalances, Increasing joint range of motion, Decreasing excessive muscle tension, Relieving joint stress, and Improving overall ability to perform daily activities.
  • Resistance Training means to improve your muscle fitness Trainings. Module 3 lesson 2 shows us that trainings hat could be done are Free weights, weight machines, medicine ball, resistance bands, and body weight.
  • Selecting Physical Activities
  • In order for us to stay fit and healthy, we need to get into a program that involves activity. We need to do 60 minutes of workouts every day to stay fit and healthy as said in module 4 lesson 1. In Module 4 lesson 1 it says that we need to answer questions that will decide what program we choice like Which components of physical fitness do you need/want to improve, What types of activities do you enjoy, and Why types of activities help you manage your stress.
  • When you choose your activity you have to realize your Health Conditions, Personality and Attitude, Reason For Participation, Environmental Considerations, and Other Considerations as said in module 4 lesson 2. Also, there's weather to know about because it has a huge impact on your safety when participating in activities. In module 4 lesson 3 It tells us that bad thing could happen in both hot and cold weather, for example, in hot weather you have to worry about Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke, and for cold weather, you have to worry about hypothermia and frostbite.
  • In module 5 lesson 4 it tells us that being overweight increases your risk for health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, High blood pressure, Heart disease, and stroke, Kidney disease, Sleep apnea, and Osteoarthritis. Also, the benefits to having a lower body fat percentage include Lower risk of cardiovascular disease, Higher metabolism, Prevention of certain diseases, stronger bones, Reduced chances of Type 2 diabetes, and Longer Life.
  •  In module 5 lesson 3 it says there are 3 different types of body types. The first one is ectomorph it is a body type with a slender, slight build, the second is endomorph is a body type with a large, soft, bulging body and pear-shaped appearance, lastly is Mesomorph is a body type with a solid, muscular, and large-boned physique. Everyone comes in all different shapes and sizes.
  • Lifestyle Guidelines
  • when you do any kind of physical activity you will at least suffer one injury but there is a way to prevent that and that will be doing a warm-up before doing any kind of workout or sports game.
  • Obesity is a condition characterized by an excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body which means if you have 20 percent body weight than what you have it would be considered obese as stated in module 7 lesson 2. Obesity can cause high blood pressure, Excess cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, Heart disease, Stroke, Certain cancers, Breathing problems, and Sleeping Issues.
  • Nutrition
  • In module 7 lesson 4 it tells us Food advertisements and the accessibility of food can lead to unhealthy food choices. Some of the worst food products that are advertised are high sugar cereal products, Soda, High fructose corn syrup contained in fruit-flavored drinks, High sodium snack products, and Pesticide laden food.
  • Every day the Protein should be 10-35% of total calorie intake, Carbohydrates should be 45-65% of total calorie intake, and Fat should be 20-35% of total calorie intake for daily intake to stay healthy and balance.
  • END
  • I hoped you enjoyed this magazine about Personal fitness and wellness on everything I learned in total wellness, Physical Wellness, and Setting Goals, Assessing Health and Fitness, Selecting Physical Activities, Lifestyle Guidelines, and nutrition.
  • Image Attributions:1307698 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-cafe-interior-1307698/) - Igor Starkov - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed
  • In module 4 lesson 4 we found out the importance of caloric balance which means the comparison between how many calories you burn and how many calories you consume daily. Also, it tells us 2 ways to burn calories the first way your body burns calories is by maintaining your heartbeat, digesting your food, creating new cells, and all other processes that keep your body alive and well as said in module 4 lesson 4. Lastly, the second way you burn calories is by doing physical activities throughout the day.
  • Here are some common injuries as informed in module 5 lesson 6 which are Muscle strains also known as pulled muscles and/or muscle soreness, Muscle sprains are caused by an overstretched or torn ligament, Blisters which are pockets of fluid that occur most commonly on the hands and feet, and Shin splints which occur when there is a pain in the front of your lower leg when walking, jogging, climbing, or stepping.
  • In module 5 lesson 6 it teaches us about R.I.C.E which acronym stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
  • In module 7 lesson 5 it states " A fad diet is a diet that promises quick weight loss through what is usually an unhealthy and unbalanced diet". Here are the health risks of fad diets include Dehydration, Weakness, Fatigue, Nausea, Headaches, and Constipation.

Attribuzioni Immagine

  • 1307698 - Igor Starkov - (Licenza Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed )
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