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Bitten by a spider

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Bitten by a spider
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  • Omg.. are you ok? i felt it too. i think theirs many spiders here.
  • OUCH! something bit me. did you guys feel it too?
  • Guys.. i really think we should go back. im not feeling very well either. this place is giving me the creeps.
  • Hey! what took you guys so long? are you feeling alright?
  • Somehow we were all bit by a spider. i think its crazy but we'll be alright it was just a little bite.
  • yea. i still think its really strange. well i am going to get some sleep. i'm really tired.
  • I shouldn't tell them what happened to me yet
  • yeah everything is alright we just went through the weirdest thing.
  • If i'm being honest.. yes I experienced something crazy after that spider bit us. I feel more strong, energetic, fast, and for some reason everything seems to stick to my hands which is why I've avoided grabbing anything.
  • Hey. I noticed you were acting quite strange. is anything up?
  • It really is true! Just wait you will see.
  • HA! that's crazy theirs no way that actually is happening. its all in your head.
  • Honestly i don't know how this works. We will just have to see on our own.
  • What's going on?! are you ok?! OMG see i told you i was not faking it!
  • Ok i believe you now. What should i do i'm scared. does that mean we are some type of heroes or what?!
  • HEY! do you guys want to go on a walk to the mall?!
  • What in the world is happening to me??!
  • Are you ok? were you hurt?
  • yes i am okay! thanks to you guys i'm alive. Thank you so much!
  • OH MY GOD.
  • Watch where your going next time. You could have been seriously hurt.
  • I am so so so sorry! ill watch where i'm going next time!
  • YYEEEAAA! these are my friends!!
  • WWWHHHOOOOO!! these are our new heros of our town!!! we respect you and hope you keep helping this town.
  • THANK YOU! we appreciate the support!
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