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Life Cycle of a Star

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Life Cycle of a Star
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Rose talking to Rose about the lIfe cycle of the star.

Testo Storyboard

  • Arisa asking Rose something
  • What are you thinking about Rose?? 
  • To put in simple terms the star has a life cycle and it starts off as a nebula. A nebula is a made up of gas and dust.
  • Rose tells Arisa about the first stage in a star's life.
  • Well I am thinking about how a star has the same life cycle as us....A star first is born or made into the world or first a nebuela.
  • Hmm interesting 
  • When the star becomes large and a red gaint. This giant is now a dying star in its final stage of steller evolution.
  • That is when the star has burning hydrogen at its core.Continuing on the third stage of the star is when tht star becomes a red giant and it is now halfway through its life cycle.
  • Rose explains the 2nd and 3rd stages of a star's life. Arisa gains interest
  • Continuing on with the 2nd and 3rd stage the 2nd stage. Is when the nebula is a star and that stage is called Main sequence star.
  • Wow, amazing!
  • Next is the Planetary Nebula. This is the 4th stage. What this is a ring shaped nebula formed by an expanding shell of gas surrounding the aging star.
  • When Arisa is amazed at the life cycle, Rose continues...
  • This is so fascinating Rose I have learned so much!! Can't wait to learn more!
  • Rose moves onto the 5th stage and Arisa is still amazed.
  • Ok now onto the 5th stage, this one is a White dwarf.A white dwarf is star that is burned up and all the hydrogen is used all up,
  • Wow... 
  • The final stage is called the black dwarf. And a black dwarf is a very small cooled remnent of a white dwarf that has no light projecting from it.
  • The life of the star is ending and Arisa's interested grows.
  • Of course Arisa 
  • Hmm that is quite intersting Rose thank you for thank you for telling me about the life cycle.
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