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Comic Strip on living a healthy life

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Comic Strip on living a healthy life
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This comic strip will tell you how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Testo Storyboard

  • *says quietly* Yes please tell him because I am sure he will get a disease.
  • *says quietly* Little brother, did you know living a healthy life style is very important you have exercise, eat healthy and drink lots of water.
  • *says quietly* Ok sister I will be sure to tell that to dad because he is living unhealthy.
  • Nonsense my child nonsense. That is not true infact I will eat as much junk I want.
  • Dad did you know you have to stop eating junk food or you will get a disease.
  • How did this happen? How did I get sick?
  • Ok doctor.
  • It happened because you are too much junk food. Eat healthy from now. OK?
  • Lets discuss this when we reach home.
  • Hi, did the the doctors tell you to eat healthy?
  • Yeah. I should have listen to our kids. Instead I ignored them.
  • The end
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