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  • oh, sara i was waiting for you, what did happen to you?
  • You´re not going to believe me ...
  • i just was walking around the neighborhood, when a guy just passed by my side. so i decided to follow him.
  • yes, i saw him running really fast, he said he was going to the 402 room, he shall be there
  • And i saw him entring into a hospital. I got in and asjed the nurse if had seen a boy crying and she told me ...
  • Broo, just look at me, i can walk again, can you believe it?
  • the nurse also told me that the person who the boy was to visit was his cousin, wh had lost the walk hability by an accident, but guess what, to the child´s surprise his cousin walked again
  • oh sarah, i´m really happy to hear it, but i dont understand why did you arrive crying? Because that is great news
  • Well Jhonny, i arrived here like that because that child remembered me when my father had the same accident but he didn´t get better anymore and well you know what happened after ...
  • Let me tell you something, your father passed away being the greatest father ever, and he is still taking care of you, i understand that you miss him, but you have to keep going, so give up and look forward, i´m always here for you
  • thank you Jhonny, i can´tcount the times you had been with me, every time i fall you are here for me, so i really preciate that, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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