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AP European history

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AP European history
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  • This land is entitled for me, I am the heir. 
  • We Won!!!!!!
  • We refuse to give you this land, it will never be yours.
  • Joan took us to victory!!!!!
  • Kill them all!
  • Yes sir
  • When we capture you, we'll cut your fingers off so you could never use a bow again.
  • God has told me that I have the strength to lead the french Army to victory, I believe I can do this 
  • Fine, but this is the only chance I'll be giving you.
  • After several victories won by Joan she ended up being captured by the English Army and she was then murdered by the English Army. .
  • This was the last battle of the 100 year war, the French ended up making more powerful weapons like the cannon, the French ended up winning the battle and got their land back. The battle of Castillon ended the 100 year war.
  • After the war ended, nationalism started to grow, and in England the parliament gained control. The population in Europe started to grow because of the war ending and the black death plague ending. Europe was led out of the middle ages, and was brought into renaissance.
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