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Unknown Story
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Testo Storyboard

  • Morning
  • Day
  • God said let there be light, He then separated light from the darkness. Now there was a day a night and a evening and morning. That was the first day
  • Evening
  • Night
  • God then separated the water from above and below with a vault. He called the vault sky and the water the sea, that was the second day
  • God created all the animals that live in the sea, and sky. The ones to fly around in the vault of the sky and the ones to swim in the vault of the sea. That was the Fifth day
  • God separated the water and the sky and made dry land where all kinds of vegetation and plants grew. That was the third day
  • God said let there be lights in the vault of the sky. To separate the day from night. He created the stars and moon to create the night and a sun and clouds for the day. this was the fourth day
  • God then created all living creatures according to there kinds. he created land and wild animals. God then said let us make mankind in his own image. God was pleased with what he had created. that was the sixth day.
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