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Unknown Story
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  • Underlying: Competition between Britan and France
  • Fire!!
  • This fighting began when the Britishgovernmentgot West Indies, Canada under their control and also when they tried to get controlof the Ohio RiverValley and its trade facilities.
  • Fire!!
  • Direct: The Ohio River Valley Fort Duquense
  • When the french army captured Fort Duquesne, they wanted to stop and control the Ohio River Valley trading and the growth westward. When young GeorgeWashington was sent with a batchof some militiamen, he was told to take over the Fort Duquesneand control the French in that area. This was the first incident and direct cause of the interaction of the British and the French during the French and IndianWar.
  • The Albany Congress
  • The main function of why this albanycongress was called was to seeing the needfor coordinating colonial defenses. Ben Franklin, the one in the middle of this congress, told all of these people in this discussion to plan the Albany Plan of Union for creating a council approval.
  • Braddocks Blunders
  • British General Braddock with a large force of lobsterbacks went from Fort Cumberland to the west (approx, 50 miles). On this journey, Braddock encountered a French army of 200 troops and had a fight here. the weapons were pulled out and casualtiesoccurred.
  • Native Americans Take Sides
  • We, the Algonquians, side with the French
  • We, the Iroquois, side with the british
  • British Victory
  • Peace of Paris
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