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  • Saját Storyboards

História em Quadrinho Ingles

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História em Quadrinho Ingles
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • The big game is this afternoon at four o´clock. Why don´t we all watch it together?
  • Great idia!
  • Welcome to today´s game. We´re here in live in Rio!
  • No way, Tom. Go Brazil!!!
  • I know. I love soccer
  • It´s so exciting'
  • The U.S. can winthis. I know it. Go USA!
  • Hey. The TV screen. Is it broke? we can´t see anything.
  • Come on, Tom. Do something. The game stars in a few minutes!!
  • Where´s the game? we want to watch the game!
  • Just minute. let me try and fix it.
  • Oh no, now the screen´s black.
  • Now what do we do?
  • it´s no big deal. i´m seru i can fix it
  • This is terrible
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