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Directions: Read the following information and answer the questions to test your knowledge about earthquake safety.

Before an Earthquake

1. Identify Safe Zones:

- What are the safest places in your home, school, or workplace during an earthquake?


- List at least three potential hazards to avoid.


2. Emergency Kit:

- What items should you include in an earthquake emergency kit?


- Why is it important to have a communication plan in your emergency kit?


During an Earthquake

1. Drop, Cover, and Hold On:

- Explain the "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" procedure.


- Why is this important during an earthquake?


2. Staying Safe Indoors and Outdoors:

- What should you do if you are indoors during an earthquake?


- What actions should you take if you are outdoors when an earthquake occurs?


After an Earthquake

1. Check for Injuries:

2. Utilities and Building Safety:

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Zasuk:   Flip Vodoravno Obrni Navpično title= Zasuk za 90 ° Desno
Plasti: Prinesi Naprej Postavi v Ospredje Pošlji Nazaj Pošlji v Ozadje
Uredi:   Kopirati Stretch to Fill Trim Brisanje
Izbriši Lock Položaj Odklepanje Položaj

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