  • Keresés
  • Saját Storyboards

Zdrava Razmerja

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Zdrava Razmerja
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Leírás

Po branju Pisma Amy ali podobne zgodbe lahko učenci ponazorijo scenarij, ki prikazuje zdrav odnos in pomoč sošolcem in vrstnikom.

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Alexa is playing with the new girl and not me. What if she doesn't want to be my best friend anymore?
  • I felt really sad when I saw you two playing without me.
  • I am so sorry! I told my teacher I'd be her buddy so she wouldn't be alone. I should've included you.
  • Hey, you want to hang out with me and Kelly today after school?
  • I would love to!
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