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Immigrant Experiances

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Immigrant Experiances
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Storyboard Leírás

Polish immigrant's experience in the late 1800s

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Come, Albina. We will buy milk and eggs somewhere else.
  • You need to leave now. Jews are not allowed here.
  • They would not sell to Jews, Father.
  • Don't worry, dear Jadwiga. We are going to America. We'll be welcomed there, and we will find work. At 15 years old, there will be many opportunities for you to help, also.
  • Look, Jadwiga, Albina! We're on our way to a happy life in America!
  • We only have to share this space a little longer, girls.
  • Welcome to Ellis Island. We will need to give you a medical examination and then you can be on your way. Names, please?
  • Tarski. Schmuel, Jadwiga, and little Albina.
  • We are the Polish National Alliance here in New York City. We will help you find a home and jobs. You will find natural born Americans a bit hostile. They seem to feel that their jobs and culture are threatened by immigrants.
  • Our new home is in the building right there! We will live near other Polish families, and they will help us adjust to our new life here.
  • I have to work hard at my new job as a seamstress, and I am quickly learning English. It is difficult, but life here will be better than it was in Poland!
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