Hozzon Létre egy Storyboard
Saját Storyboards
heros journey graphic novel project
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Storyboard Szöveg
its good to be back after a long day of work, i'm so tired i just wanna lay down and sleep
so do it
knock knock
i wonder who that is
i'll get it
hey what do you need?
were going from house to house looking for able body men
hey were from the government
sorry but i have a wife and kids i dont need them to be worried about my death or not
Ok thanks anyways but if you ever change your mind just go to your nearest reqruting center
dad thats so cool the military wants you?
who was it?
ohh it was just some military recruiters
yea i geuss it is pretty cool but what about you guys?
yea dad that would be so cool then you could tell me all your stories
if you truly wish to go we should be fine for a couple months and hey maybe you could make some money
alright then i will sent off to join in the morning
so would you like to join?
looks like someone changed there mind
hahaha very funny, and yes i would like to join
alright then we will get you a uniform and you go meet with that drill sargent over there
ok thanks
good luck!
hello my name is bob and i will basicly be your mentor for the rest of your time here until you are ready, anyways whats your name?
my name is john and how long exactly do i stay here?
you say here for about two months unless you quit like a sissy
uhhhh ok a little longer than i expected but i guess i'll continue
2 months of harsh training later
alright your ready for war ill see you soon solider
thank you for readying me for war
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