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Founding Detroit Colony

Admitted Into the Union

Ford Motor Company

Mackinac Bridge Opens

Detroit Riots

Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac founds Fort Pontchartrain du Détroit, marking the beginning of European settlement in what would become Detroit, a pivotal event in Michigan's colonial history.

Michigan is admitted to the Union as the 26th state on January 26, 1837 after resolving a border dispute with Ohio in the Toledo War.

The Ford Motor Company introduces the moving assembly line in Highland Park, revolutionizing manufacturing processes and making automobile production faster and more efficient.

The Mackinac Bridge opens to traffic, becoming a vital transportation link and a symbol of Michigan's engineering prowess.

The Detroit Riots erupt in July, marking a significant moment in the Civil Rights Movement and highlighting racial tensions in urban America.

Historical Events: Michigan

Sat Jan 01 1701 4:56:02 DOPOLEDNESun Jan 01 1837 4:56:02 DOPOLEDNEWed Jan 01 1913 5:00:00 DOPOLEDNEThu Jan 01 1959 5:00:00 DOPOLEDNESun Jan 01 1967 5:00:00 DOPOLEDNELegendaČasová Přestávka121 Years {years} Roky a 363 Dny

January 26, 1837

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