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Storyboard Szöveg
Oh no! What if she comes here and sees that I have the book?! Maybe I should stuff it in someone's bag...
CLASS! Have you seen my book?
Who might have stole the book? Could it be Lily?
Oops! What should I say now?
Lily, what are you doing?
Mam, I know where your book is! It's in Sara's bag!
Sooner or later...
Sara, you stole it! What is this?
No, Mam! I didn't! I have no idea how it got in--
ENOUGH! No more excuses, I'm complaining to the principal!
Who could have done this? I was the only one who touched my bag?
Oh no! What just happened? Now I'm going to get in trouble for something I didn't do!
My situation is hopeless! There's nothing I can do now!
Oh no! What if she calls my parents! What will I say? Why did this have to happen to me?!
I wish someone would listen to me! This is terrible! Oh no...
I never want to come to school again!
Sara is a good girl. Why would she steal my book? Hmm, maybe I should check cams...
Wait, it was Lily? I should talk to her tomorrow. She needs to know what she did was wrong.
I'm so sorry I hid the book in your bag. I should have just admitted that I had it. Friends?
Oh finally, the tension is over...thanks to the security camera...
It's okay. I forgive you. Friends.
Több mint 30 millió
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