I can't wait to meet Mentuhotep and be his right hand women, maybe I'll score a bougie tomb myself!
Finding the Pharaoh
What's up! I'm Sarahian and plan on being Mentuhotep's right hand woman!
Meeting Mentuhotep II
Oh mightiest Pharaoh Mentuhotep, it is I, Sarahian the noblest craftswomen.
The Conversation
Hear me out...Let me help you, and you help me!
Hmm... I do need a right hand (wo)man
Sarahian travels far and wide near the Nile river to finally share her talents as a noble craftswomen in hopes to win favor to become the Pharaohs right hand builder and named "Chief Craftswomen."
Finding materials for the Build
Gold, jewelry, coffins oh my!
Sarahian arrives to the city and approach some of the civilians of the Middle Kingdom.
Building Mentuhotep II Temple
Sarahian can not contain her excitement and walks into the Pharoh's bedroom to share her genius idea. Mentuhotep II is not very pleased and feels very violated but she's impressed as she walks in wearing a gold jewelry breastplate.
Becoming "Chief Craftswoman"
Sarahian explains to Mentuhotep her experiences in building the greatest tombs/temples for other high noble classman and pitches the idea of building his grand tomb in hopes to be his right hand Chief Craftsman. Mentuhotep thinks this might actually be a good idea and great start to aid in production of funerary materials.
Teaching Talents
Wow...that's a LOT of information....
The rise in economy helped produce all this funerary material and Sarahian is in awe of it's beauty. She is excited to start building for the Pharaoh and herself!
Building a rock-cut tombs in the Middle Kingdom, constructed into the cliff side as it is harder for tomb robbers.
Who says a women can't do a "mans" work?
Mentuhotep introduces Sarahian to the community as "Chief Craftswoman" of the Middle Kingdom and his right hand woman, which will be granted a sacred tomb for her afterlife.
Sarahian gives the townspeople in full detail how her rectangular sarcophagi should be made of wood, painted in intricate vibrant detail, showcasing her work and should include her grave goods.
AHD a LOT of pressure
Mummification Process
Bye! See you in the afterlife.
Sarahian's Sarcophagus Includes:
Sarahian's Grave Goods
The civilians carefully start the mummification process, before placing her in the custom sarcophagus and rock-cut tomb.
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/text-egypt-pyramid-symbol-message-2067823/) - tumtac - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)1744581 (https://pixabay.com/photos/egypt-papyri-royals-1744581/) - Souza_DF - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed
A gold hammer and the Mentuhotep's staff to signify a noble craftswoman that worked right under the Pharoh, her puppy to play with in her afterlife, the rise of vibrant wall paintings, pot and pan to signify the love for cooking, eye of Horus for protection.
Gold statue of herself to signify wealth, Faience figures such as a hippo and female figure for protection, pendant necklace, clock to signify work ethic and time management, wood models and scarab beetle signify development and growth.
1744581 - Souza_DF - (Engedély Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed