A lot of projects have been done about Climate ch ange.While reading them,Its easy to discover some super interesting facts about this problem.While I was walking down the aisle, to go for lunch with other teachers,I heard two students,discussing about some amazing facts about Climate change,Let me tell you what I heard..
Yesterday afternoon I read some super interesting facts about Climate change.Do you want to hear them?
Yeah, sure!
When I heard all that I got really worried
Ok so , let me tell you, rising of sea levels is one of the impacts of Climate change.Isnt this bad.
YES it is.....the low lying areas will get large floodings
This is bad.I havent thought of it. Oh! I remembered one more.Rainforest destruction is the major cause of carbon dieoxide release
This contributes to green house effect . I have learned this lesson in social studies.
Yes thats true. Oh thats the bell. i have to go to my class.