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Right now Gracie is downloading all of Elgen's database to find out where Michael's mom is at. And Ian is Blind but he can see better than anyone he can even see through walls, and right now he is checking if there is any guards around.

Taylor has the power too reboot people once she reboots the guards Micheal is going to pulse them to make sure they stay out for a while then they are going to steal the Elgen's Van too escape.

They are trying to figure out where they can go, to get some sleep and hang out for a little , they decided to hang out at Jack's sister tanning salon.

A women walks up Michael and hands him a phone with the keys to hter tanning room and body lotion. Michael answers the phone in confusion a deep voice started talking , telling Michael that he had to trust him he told Michael that he had to ditch the van because Elgen is tracking it.

.The coordinates that the man sen to Michael was a so called safe house, but right when they got there. They were immediately attacked by the Elgen's guards , and were captured.

Here all of the Electroclan is trying to take the risk of escaping because the guard were on their break.They escaped safely with no injuries.They needed a place to stay so Jack's friend Wyatt let them stay at his house.

I am downloading currently all of elgen's database to figure out where your Mom is at.

Are You Ok

Can you reboot them Taylor

I am pretty sure but it is going to be hard

After that we have to steal one of the elgen van to escape

Ian is there any guards anywhere.

Yes there is some guarding the van.

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Summernote 0.8.11 · Project · Issues

Everyone stay behind us

Hands up now.

Why did I listen to him

Ian what are the guards doing.

They are taking a break this is our time to escape

Isn't that a little risky.

What other choice do we have.

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