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Annotated Light Diagram

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Annotate this diagram to explain how Lily can see this book.

Light from the Sun comes through the window. Some of that light reaches the book. Some of the light is absorbed by the book, but some of the light is reflected. Some of the reflected light reaches the girls eyes and is detected by cells in her retina.

Annotated Light Diagram
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Leírás

Annotated Light Diagram - common misconceptions in science

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Annotate this diagram to explain how Lily can see this book.
  • Light from the Sun comes through the window. Some of that light reaches the book. Some of the light is absorbed by the book, but some of the light is reflected. Some of the reflected light reaches the girls eyes and is detected by cells in her retina.
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