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Carbon Cycle Hydrosphere Story Board

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Carbon Cycle Hydrosphere Story Board
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • The ocean is one of the biggest parts of the HYDROSPHERE, and can be known as a large natural CARBON RESERVOIR for Carbon.
  • Phytoplankton also takes part in absorbing Carbon and turns it into food on the surface to help MITIGATE it.
  • Carbon sinks down to the surface, and then sinks further into the ocean as sediment.
  • Carbon
  • When Carbon goes into the ocean as MARINE SNOW, it makes carbonic acid, making it acidic. Crustaceans/shell builders use these bits of sediment to form shells.
  • To help keep the phytoplankton in balance, HETEROTROPHS like whales eat the plankton to maintain a balance.
  • However, humans have been releasing solid/liquid pollutants and GREENHOUSE GASES into the oceans/atmosphere, making it harder for ALL of the sea life to continue these processes, and creating a NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LOOP.
  • However if we work together to clean up the oceans and fund better, efficient technology that pollutes less, we can help MITIGATE the ocean and make it a better place for all animals that are living in it, keeping the carbon in balance and limiting the GREENHOUSE EFFECT.
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