Branches of Government - The Legislative Branch - Create a law!
Storyboard Szöveg
Csúszik: 1
What Problem is the Bill Addressing
Final Exam Today!
I USED to know this!
I really don't remember this!
This bill is addressing the problem that students face with major exams. Certain students struggle to recall months' worth of information, and because of this, their grade is significantly damaged.
Csúszik: 2
How Does the Bill Fix the Problem?
Final Exam Next Monday!
Alternative Options:1. Make a Storyboard2. Film a Movie3. Write a Paper
Creating alternative options to exams may help students display their knowledge in new and exciting ways.
Csúszik: 3
Name of the Bill and Description
End of The Exam Bill
The bill that I propose is the End of The Exam bill. This bill would prohibit the mandatory use of exams in schools, and allow students to complete alternate assessments to display their knowledge.
Csúszik: 0
We haven't studied this since September!
Let's make a storyboard that shows our understanding of this year instead!