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Marissa Sirk

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Marissa Sirk
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • No, I have not. Is it worth it? I really need to do something about hiding my acne. I really don't want to go to class it's to early.
  • Rebecca: Hey Katie! Have you tried the new Kylie Jenner skincare product? OMG it makes my skin so soft and flawless.
  • Rebecca: Hey Candace ,we should start exercising ,so we can fit into our dresses for prom. By the way this years trend is pink dresses. Let's both wear pink and look like a runway model at prom.
  • Candace: We do not need to workout just for prom. Guys will either take me the way I am ,or not. I do not want a pink dress. I prefer blue dresses.
  • Natalie: OMG! Jason is going to ask you out to prom. We need to go dress shopping.
  • Brooke: Yay! But, you are right I need to look perfect for him. That night must be perfect I have been waiting for this my whole life. My mother was prom Queen ,and I hope to be just like her.
  • Dylan: Hey Rebecca. Do you wanna go fishing later.
  • Ew. God no that is so disgusting. Do you know how much germs fish have? I'm a girl I have cheer practice after school anyways. That's something to go do with your guy friends. Boys are so typical.
  • Brooke: Yeah. That is such a boy thing to do. Like they do not have to worry about getting perfect for prom. We have so much pressure on us to have the right hair,makeup, and dress.
  • Rebecca:Guess what. Dylan asked me to go fishing. Like ew. I have so much I have to do before prom. I want to look perfect on my best night of my life.
  • Natalie: Brooke do you want to try this new diet with me? It is better then exercising. All you have to do is take this pill ,and it says it works within 20 days.
  • Brooke: I do not believe in dieting. I am comfortable with the way I am. A pill is not going to make you lose weight in time for prom. That is a scam and you are falling for it.
  • Katie:I know right. Anyways did you hear that Rebecca broke up with Steven. She's been refusing to eat food because she wants to fit in her prom dress, but she's turning anorexic.
  • Candace:I am not playing basketball. I don't want to run around a gym with a ball.
  • Rebecca:Guess what. I'm going to look perfect for prom. I lost 25 pounds and I still have more to lose to be perfectly slim.
  • Brooke: But, Rebecca that's considered anorexia. Do not worry about looking like every other girl at prom. Just be yourself.
  • Candace: Ugh, I can not believe you dragged me to do this. I do not want to wear makeup. I do not see the point of wasting our money on one night to look beautiful to please others.
  • Katie: I love Prom shopping! We need to get the dresses, the right makeup and find a hair stylist. I really need to hide these blemishes. It is so embarrassing if everyone sees my face like that at Prom.
  • Thank you! It turns out that dieting program I tried was a joke. Our society make advertisements look so reliable.
  • I told you a guy would accept you for who you are. As a woman we do not need to bow down to what others expect from us. I love your dress it is different then the trendy colors the other girls have.
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