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act 4 scene 1 comic

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act 4 scene 1 comic
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • That will never happen these are solely sweet omens, Who can command the forest and make the trees pull their roots out of the earth? Although i'll be king for the rest of my life I still wonder if Banquos son will ever be king. Can your dark powers tell me?
  • Be brave like a lion Macbeth, don't worry about those who dislike you or conspire against you. Macbeth will never be defeated until the Birnam Wood marches to fight you at Dunsinane Hill. (Third apparition descends)
  • Answer my question you old hags! if not, may an eternal curse set on all of you! Why's the cauldron sinking and whats that music?
  • Hautboys music plays
  • (all witches) Seek to know no more.
  • Eight kings march across the stage, the last one with a mirror in his hand, followed by the GHOST OF BANQUO.
  • ( all witches) Show his eyes and make him grieve, come like shadows and depart!
  • Why would you show me this you filthy hags my eyes are bulging out of their sockets! What a horrible sight, their all banquos descendants!
  • Apparitions vanish
  • Music plays. The WITCHES dance and then vanish.
  • Come on sisters let's show him our talents and dance to the music so the king can say we did our duties and entertained him!
  • Where have they gone! This evil hour will be marked in the calendar. hey you outside, come!
  • What does your grace want from me?
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