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August Newsletter

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August Newsletter
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Hey there, KEMBA fam! I'm your host Rick, and welcome to another episode of KEMBASphere! Each month we will get to know someone from our team.
  • Our guest today is Heather Estis, Lead MSR at Pickerington.  So tell us - what's the best part of being an MSR?
  • Hmmm...
  • You've been with KEMBA for over 14 years so it's easy to see that people are one of your top priorities.
  • The best part is helping people! It is so rewarding to be able to put someone in a better financial position.
  • Absolutely! Not only our members, but also my coworkers! They really are a second family.
  • And when I feel my energy tank is on low there is nothing like a mix of pretzels and soy & wasabi almonds to keep me going!
  • Heather, anyone with your expertise and drive to help members needs time to recharge. What are some of your favorite activities to do when your expert level MSR skills aren't in use?
  • Not necessarily all at the same time...
  • I love spending time with my son, vacationing, horseback riding, and swimming.
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