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Storyboard Szöveg
The peaceful cars sit in a lot, until they got into a troubling knot.
I'm gettin' kind of sick and tired of yer' white van. You needa mind yer' manners.
Well EXCUSE ME., at least I don't smell like farts when my engine starts.
Here ye here ye, beyond our command we've come to take thy cars who do not listen to our demand,
As the cars fought they forgot how much of a vulnerable spot they sat in.
Because you two, white van and orange car do not understand, we've come to obtain both of you as planned.
The cars left as the others looked in distraught.
I'm sad their gone :( now I am withdrawn.
Be grateful it wasn't yer'. We're lucky to still be here.
We want green and yellow car this time. As orders from our leader, because he is the ringleader.
As the cars sat and thought, they fought.
The astronauts came back, after the cars went through their thoughts, and the astronauts took them away.
Astronaut one and two showed up and caught the cars that fought.
The last two cars are sad because none of their friends were left.
When they were gone, the cars were withdrawn from their peaceful dawn. Now they couldn't be the same thereon.
The cars were happier when the other cars were there. Now they were left only with each other, on edge of it they are to be taken next.
The cars were taken, and the one's left were achin'. They were left mistaken
Because the other cars were gone, now the cars were left with nothing but eachother.
All our friends are gone, and it's lonely :(
It was only the gray and red car left.
Több mint 30 millió
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